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Stephen Ziegler

Stephen Ziegler (Engr ’97 CM)

Other announcement on May 22, 2015

Stephen Ziegler (Engr ’97 CM) and Katharine Miller Ziegler (Col ’99 L/M) welcomed a daughter, Charlotte Amelia, on Dec. 23, 2014. Charlotte joins big brothers Owen, 6; and William, 3. The family currently resides in Clifton, Virginia.

Stephen Ziegler (Engr ’97 CM)

Other announcement on August 30, 2011

Stephen Ziegler (Engr ’97) and Katharine Miller Ziegler (Col ’99 L/M) welcomed their second child, William Stephen, on May 30, 2011. William joins a brother, Owen, 2. The family resides in Clifton, Va.

Stephen Ziegler (Engr ’97 CM)

Other announcement on July 1, 2009

Stephen Ziegler (Engr ’97) and Katharine Miller Ziegler (Col ’99 L/M) welcomed their first child, Owen Condray, on Nov. 20, 2008. The family resides in Clifton, Va.