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Arlene Keeling

Arlene Keeling (Grad ’92, Nurs ’74, Nurs ’87)

Other announcement on June 3, 2013

Arlene Keeling (Grad ’92, Nurs ’74, Nurs ’87) received the Distinguished Nurse Award from U.Va.’s nursing honor society, Beta Kappa. Beta Kappa members from the nursing community nominate a nursing professional for this biennial award. Ms. Keeling, the Centennial Distinguished Professor of Nursing and director of the Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry, has received recognition for her work on the board of the American Association for the History of Nursing and for her accomplishments in nursing history. In addition to directing the Bjoring Center, Ms. Keeling teaches nursing history, directs the School of Nursing Ph.D. program and is chair of the department of acute and specialty care.