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Steven Bremer

Steven Bremer (Engr ’99, Engr ’00 CM)

Other announcement on November 15, 2011

Steven Bremer (Engr ’99, ’00 L/M) and Heather Johnston Bremer (Col ’00 L/M) welcomed their fourth child, William Bruce, on Aug. 28, 2011. He joins siblings Sean, Matthew and Abigail. The family resides in Rye, N.Y.

Steven Bremer (Engr ’99, Engr ’00 CM)

Other announcement on March 1, 2010

Steven Bremer (Engr ’99, ’00) and his wife Heather Johnston Bremer (Col ’00) welcomed their third child, Abigail Anne, on Feb. 12, 2010. She joins brothers Sean and Matthew. The family resides in New York City.