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Caitlan Wilber

Caitlan Wilber (Col ’07 CM)

Birth announcement on April 29, 2021

Caitlan Smith Wilber (Col ’07 CM) and Michael Wilber (Col ’09) welcomed a son, Harrison Elias, on July 6, 2020. Harrison joins doting older sister Arden Adela. The family lives in Rochester, New York, where Michael is a fellow in cardiovascular disease at the University of Rochester.

Caitlan Wilber (Col ’07 CM), Michael Wilber (Col ’09)

Birth announcement on May 16, 2017

Caitlan Smith Wilber (Col ’07 L/M) and Michael Wilber (Col ’09) welcomed a daughter, Arden Adela, on April 14, 2017. The family lives in Baltimore, where Michael is a resident physician at the University of Maryland.