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James Ware

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James Ware (Col ’69 CM)

Award/Recognition announcement on December 20, 2017

J. Catesby Ware (Col ’69 L/M) was honored by the Virginia Academy of Sleep Medicine, who named the newly established Distinguished Service Award after him. The Academy presented the award to Dr. Ware at its November 2017 conference. He is the chief of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School where he holds the John and Lillian Norfleet Professorship in Internal Medicine. Publication topics include obesity and sleep, heart rate variability in sleep apnea patients, treatment of narcolepsy with gamma hydroxybutyric acid, driving performance in medical residents and elderly patients, and the effects of high school start times on student crashes. He is a contributing author and one of three editors on the book Sleep and Gastrointestinal Health and Disease (2018). He lives in Norfolk, Virginia, with his wife, Carolyn; a daughter Catherine Kilduff (Law ’07); her husband; and two grandchildren.