Barbara-Ann Adcock
Barbara-Ann Adcock (Educ ’88 CM)
Award/Recognition announcement on August 28, 2016

Barbara-Ann Adcock (Educ ’88 CM) is among 213 educators across the nation named as recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching by President Barack Obama on August 22, 2016. The announcement included both 2014 and 2015 recipients. Up to one science educator and one math educator from each state are named each year. The award, regarded as one of the nation’s top honors for mathematics and science teachers, recognizes teachers who develop and implement high-quality, effective instructional programs. Ms. Adcock, formerly a teacher at Pocahontas Elementary School in Powhatan County, earned the presidential award for K-6th grade science. She is now the STEM coach for Powhatan County Public Schools.