Katherine Marsh
Katherine Marsh (Col ’05)
Birth announcement on September 13, 2019

Katie Nelson Marsh (Col ’05) and her husband, Bradley, welcomed their second child, Nelson Linwood, on March 20, 2019. Nelson joins his big brother, Augie, and is the grandson of Karen Bingler Nelson (Educ ’80, ’18) and Stephen Nelson (Col ’78), the great-grandson of Joseph Bingler (Educ ’54, ’66), and the nephew of Rebecca Marsh (Col ’09) and Joseph Nelson (Col ’13).

Katherine Marsh (Col ’05)
Other announcement on May 19, 2015
Katherine Marsh (Col ’05) and her husband, Bradley, welcomed their first child, Augustus Murray, on April 17, 2015. Augie is the grandson of Karen Bingler Nelson (Educ ’80) and Stephen Nelson (Col ’78), the great-grandson of Joseph Bingler (Educ ’54, ’66), and the nephew of Rebecca Marsh (Col ’09 L/M) and Joseph Nelson (Col ’13).