Jonathan Thompson
Jonathan Thompson (Col ’04, Educ ’05)
Birth announcement on November 30, 2016

Jonathan R. Thompson (Col ’04, Educ ’05) and his wife, Lauren, welcomed their third child, Elise Draper Thompson, on February 10, 2016. Elise joins brother Ryland and sister Sophia, both 4. Elise is the niece of Benjamin J. Thompson (Arch ’02, ’07) and Summerlyn Lotz Thompson (Col ’03, Educ ’03, ’08), Michael L. Perry (UVA-Wise ’05) and Rebecca Thompson Perry (Col ’09 L/M), and the granddaughter of William A. Thompson III (Arch ’76) and Jan Chaffin Thompson (Col ’82). The Thompson family lives in Charlottesville and takes a picnic to the Lawn most Sundays.