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Eston Melton

Eston Melton (Col ’02, Educ ’04 CM)

Other announcement on February 11, 2015

Eston Melton and his wife, Rosalyn Metz, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Genevieve Simone Melton, in Mountain View, CA, on 10 Feb. Parents and Future Hoo are doing well.

Eston Melton (Col ’02, Educ ’04 CM)

Other announcement on July 25, 2013

Eston Melton (Col ’02, Educ ’04 CM) and Rosalyn Mary Metz were married May 25, 2013, at Kitty Hawk, N.C. Previously residents of Alexandria, Va., the couple has recently relocated to Mountain View, Calif., where Mr. Melton is an assistant principal for the Palo Alto Unified School District and Ms. Metz is the operations manager for the Stanford Digital Repository.