Robert Graboyes
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)

Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM) has published “Shockley versus Shockley: Don’t Cut the Tail off the Rattlesnake,” an analysis of physicist-turned-eugenicist William Shockley’s controversial appearance at UVA in 1975; and “Do Not Go Gentle: J. Sargeant Reynolds Against the Dying of the Light,” a remembrance of an historic 1971 anti-segregation speech by Virginia’s then-dying lieutenant governor. Graboyes, who writes on economics, science, and culture at Bastiat’s Window, was recently named senior research affiliate at the Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation at West Virginia University.
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)

Robert F. Graboyes (Col ’76 CM) is now owner and president of RFG Counterpoint, LLC in Alexandria, Virginia. Through his firm, he does economic consulting, journalism, and music production. He publishes BASTIAT’S WINDOW, a Substack journal devoted to economics, ethics, health, technology, and culture. He is also a FAIR in Medicine Fellow (where FAIR = Foundation Against Racism and Intolerance). His musical performances and compositions are on his YouTube channel.
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76) interviewed Eric Topol (Col ’75) on the podcast “Healthcare’s Reluctant Revolution.” The two discussed artificial intelligence, the doctor-patient relationship, medical ethics, mRNA vaccines, CRISPR, telehealth and other topics—including a personal experience at UVA Student Health in the 1970s. Graboyes is a senior research fellow and healthcare scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and a former clinical professor at the UVA School of Nursing. Topol is founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, a professor of molecular medicine at the Scripps Research Institute and a senior consultant at the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at the Scripps Clinic.
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)
Robert F. Graboyes (Col ’76) is senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He recently launched a podcast series, Fortress and Frontier: Conversations on Healthcare and Innovation. For his first episode, “Different, but Not Less: Temple Grandin and the Economics of Neurodiversity,” he interviewed animal scientist and autism advocate Temple Grandin. During the pandemic, he also launched a YouTube channel featuring his musical performances and compositions—often in collaboration with the visual art of his wife, Alanna. Graboyes was previously a clinical professor in UVA’s School of Nursing, teaching health economics from 2005 to 2014.

Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM) received the 2014 Bastiat Prize for Journalism from the Reason Foundation. The international competition honors “writing that best demonstrates the importance of individual liberty and free markets with originality, wit and eloquence.” His recent monograph, Fortress and Frontier in American Health Care, offers a new paradigm for analyzing American health care policy. Mr. Graboyes is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and an adjunct professor of health economics at the University of Virginia School of Nursing and at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Health Administration. In his spare time, he writes and records music.

Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)
Robert F. Graboyes (Col ’76 A/M) is now Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. At Mercatus, he is lead researcher in the economics of health care. He was elevated in 2013 to Clinical Professor at the UVa School of Nursing and also teaches health economics at GMU, GWU, and VCU.

Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)
Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM) received the 2012 Outstanding Faculty Award from the Health Services Management and Leadership Student Association at the George Washington University. He is also president of the National Economists Club in Washington, D.C. Mr. Graboyes is the senior fellow for health and economics at the NFIB Research Foundation and teaches health economics at GWU, Virginia Commonwealth University and the U.Va. School of Nursing.

Robert Graboyes (Col ’76 CM)
Robert F. Graboyes (Col ’76) serves on the executive board of the Healthcare Delivery Innovation Alliance and was elected president of the National Economists Club in Washington, D.C. Mr. Graboyes is the senior fellow for health and economics at the NFIB Research Foundation in Washington, D.C. He teaches health economics at Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University and the U.Va. School of Nursing.