Hunter Chorey
Hunter Chorey (Col ’05 CM)
Birth announcement on August 19, 2016
Hunter Chorey (Col ’05 CM) and Mika Richardson Chorey (Col ’05, Nurs ’08, ’14 L/M) welcomed a daughter, Molly Callison, on April 7, 2016. Molly joins sister Caroline, 2. Molly is the granddaughter of Thomas V. Chorey Jr. (Engr ’69, Law ’72 L/M) and the niece of Christina L. “Christy” Chorey (Col ’07 L/M), Sierra Richardson Brown (Col ’10 L/M) and Jonathan Brown (Engr ’10 L/M). The family lives in Charlottesville.
Hunter Chorey (Col ’05 CM)
Other announcement on July 25, 2014

Hunter Chorey (Col ’05 CM) and Mika Richardson Chorey (Col ’05, Nurs ’08 L/M) welcomed their first child, a daughter, Caroline Elizabeth, on May 24, 2014. Caroline is the granddaughter of Thomas Vincent Chorey Jr. (Engr ’69, Law ’72 L/M). The family resides in Charlottesville.