James Graham

James Graham (Arch ’69, Arch ’72 CM)
James Graham (Arch ’69, Arch ’72 CM) has been appointed president of the board of trustees for the Hammond-Harwood House Association Inc. He began the two-year term in May 2014. The founder of Graham Landscape Architecture in Annapolis, Md., Mr. Graham has served on the Hammond-Harwood House Association’s board of trustees for seven years and is a fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

James Graham (Arch ’69, Arch ’72 CM)
James P. Graham has been appointed as president of the Board of Trustees for the Hammond-Harwood House Association Inc. Mr. Graham began his two-year long post in May and has been on the HHH Association Board of Trustees for seven years. He is the founder of Graham Landscape Architecture in Annapolis, Maryland, and a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects.