Robert Clark
Robert Clark (Col ’81)
Other announcement on March 27, 2012
Robert F. Clark (Col ’81) and Lauren Rose Clark (Nurs ’82) are pleased to announce the birth of their second granddaughter, Mary Rose Terese Clapper. The Clarks are frequent visitors to New Orleans, where Mary Rose lives with her parents and big sister, Kate.
Robert Clark (Col ’81)
Other announcement on July 7, 2009
Robert F. Clark (Col ’81) and Lauren Rose Clark (Nurs ’82) announce the birth of their first grandchild, Kathryn “Kate” Donaghey Clapper. Kate and her parents, who are Loyola University grads, reside in New Orleans. Kate’s aunt Kathryn is a member of Auburn University’s Class of 2009 and is an Air Force nurse.