Sallie Lin
Sallie Lin (Law ’00), Alyssa Petroff (Law ’09)
Job announcement on March 6, 2017

Sallie E. Lin (Law ’00) and Alyssa M. Petroff (Law ’09) have joined Stoel Rives as OnRamp Fellows, a re-entry program for experienced women in the legal and financial services industries who want to return to those professions after a period of time away. The fellowship offers participants career development through education, training and one-on-one coaching with career experts. Ms. Lin, who will be joining the Seattle, Washington, office, focuses her practice on real estate law and is a member of Washington Women Lawyers and the Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association. Ms. Petroff, who will be joining the Portland, Oregon, office, focuses her practice on business law and is a member of Oregon Women Lawyers.