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Robert Westermann

S. Brian Farmer (Col ’84, Law ’87), R. Webb Moore (Engr ’80 L/M) and Robert Westermann (Col ’92), who are attorneys with Hirschler Fleischer in Richmond, Virginia, were recognized as leaders in their respective fields by Chambers USA’s 2018 guide. Farmer works in corporate and mergers and acquisitions law, Moore works in commercial litigation and Westermann works in bankruptcy and restructuring law.

Robert Westermann (Col ’92)

Award/Recognition announcement on August 19, 2016

Robert Westermann (Col ’92) was recognized in the 2016 edition of Chambers USA for his bankruptcy and restructuring practice. Mr. Westermann is a shareholder in the litigation section of the law firm of Hirschler Fleischer. He works in the firm’s Richmond, Virginia, office, where he is a team leader in the bankruptcy, restructuring and creditors’ rights practice group.