Christy Coombs
Christy Coombs (Col ’05 CM)
Birth announcement on March 17, 2021

Christy Williams Coombs (Col ’05 CM) and her husband, Robert, welcomed their daughter, Clara Eleanor, on Jan. 3, 2021. Clara is the niece of Hillery Williams (Col ’08 CM), granddaughter of Charlie Williams (Col ’74) and great-granddaughter of Dick Williams (Col ’44). The family is eager to bring her to Grounds soon to see her family’s beloved alma mater!
Christy Coombs (Col ’05 CM)
Wedding announcement on January 29, 2019

Christy Williams (Col ’05 L/M) married Robert Coombs on June 9, 2018, in Brooklyn, New York, at the Brooklyn Historical Society. Their families and closest friends, including many UVA alums, were in attendance.