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Steven Nesbit

Steven Nesbit (Engr ’80 CM)

Award/Recognition announcement on October 5, 2023

Steve Nesbit (Engr ’80, ’82 CM) was one of six American Nuclear Society members elevated to the rank of Fellow in September 2023.  The ANS past president (2021–2022) and founder of LMNT Consulting LLC was recognized for being a prominent and effective leader and spokesperson for the beneficial use of nuclear technology.  The society highlighted Nesbit’s work to dispose of surplus weapons plutonium by converting it to mixed oxide fuel and using it in commercial nuclear reactors.

Steven Nesbit (Engr ’80 CM)

Award/Recognition announcement on November 15, 2021

Steve Nesbit (Engr ’80, ’82 CM) is serving as the 67th President of the American Nuclear Society, the organization for nuclear science and technology professionals.  ANS works to advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.  Elected by the society in 2020, his term of office runs through June 2022.

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Steven Nesbit (Engr ’80 CM)

Job announcement on July 1, 2019

Steve Nesbit (Engr ’80, ’82 L/M) retired from Duke Energy Corp. after a 37-year career and established LMNT Consulting for work on the nuclear fuel cycle and advanced nuclear energy systems. In June 2019, he married the former Shelley Stout and also testified on spent fuel management before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The couple lives in Charlotte, North Carolina.