Clay Moldenhauer

Clay Moldenhauer (Col ’63)
Clay Moldenhauer (Col ’63), with his poem “Make Fire”, was the runner-up in the 2019 Charlottesville Jefferson-Madison Region Library and WriterHouse Poetry Contest, judged by Poet Laureate of Virginia, Henry Hart. Moldenhauer, who lives in Charlottesville, works on the staff of WriterHouse and is a meditation facilitator and workshop presenter at Unity Church of Charlottesville.
He serves as webmaster of the public service site; was the 2015 American Poet-of-Reference, with the poem “The Flower Sutra”, for the 2015 Hindu Lit for Life Annual Celebration “Lotus Leaves, Water Words”; 2015 instigator of Charlottesville’s first study group of “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis’s world introduction of the concept of integral ecology, at Church of the Incarnation; 2007-2010 Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail’s volunteer Buddhist meditation instructor; 1995 student participant in Curry’s first graduate course in webbing: Academic Uses of the World-Wide Web; artist-In-Residence for UVA’s 1990 Curry Youth Summer Writing Program; 1968 exhibitor for a 2-month public exhibit of Cut-Out Writing Poetry, now called magnetic poetry, at the Lynchburg, Va. Fine Arts Center; runner-up, with the poem “The Truth about Elephants”, in the 1963 UVA English Dept. Senior Competition; student poet of “The Ant”, published in the 1962 UVA Magazine.
Clay Moldenhauer (Col ’63)
Clay Moldenhauer (Col ’63) had his poem “The Flower Sutra” delivered as a part of dramatic readings by Prasanna Ramaswamy at the January 2015 annual Hindu Lit for Life conference in Chennai, India, which included works by Ramaswamy, Cheran, Kashinath Singh, Diane Ackerman, Rainer Maria Rilke, P. Sainath, Thanjai Nalvar and John F. Kennedy.