George Maris
George Maris (SCPS ’19)

As a student at Brooklyn College, I accumulated 99 credits in 1985-1990. I dedicated my life to the AIDS epidemic. In 1985 it was ramped in New York. Makeshift apartments were used for hospice care. I continued working for the AIDS Services Group here in Charlottesville Va. I was at the forefront of using social media as a means of educating and spreading awareness. I was an online outreach worker. testing coordinator and behavioral councilor reducing high-risk behaviors. After the AIDS Organizations closed in 2015 I decided to complete my degree at UVA. During my semester years. I lost my twin brother, I became ill with cancer. However. I was determined to finish each semester with a focus on completing my degree. I graduated in the Fall of 2019 with a GPA of 4.9.9. I was elected to represent the SCPS for the Honor Committee. I am also the vice president for Sigma Alpha Lambda for Public Relations representing the chapter at UVA. I was awarded the Presidents Volunteer Service Award in 2019. I’m proud of my accomplishments and look forward to walking the lawn in May. I hope my story brings confidence in my fellow student to never give up. Life has its way of throwing us curveballs, overcome them with a positive attitude and a goal for achievement.