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Judith Dearlove

Judith Dearlove (Grad ’75)

Publication announcement on June 24, 2020
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Judy Dearlove (Grad ’75) published Play On!, her first novel, last November. The book has been named a finalist for the INDIES Book of the Year award; was featured in Shelf Unbound’s Summer issue recommended reading list; and was the focus of Dearlove’s interview in Allison Kirkland’s Creatives in Conversation series.

Play On!, a stand-up-and-cheer tale of epic rivalry and deep friendship, has been lauded as “the funniest book . . . in years” (Frank McNair), and “a brisk and joyful first novel by a wise woman” (Georgann Eubanks). It is available in paperback and as an e-book for Kindle and other devices. Check with your favorite bookstore, RCWMS Publications, Amazon, or Smashwords.