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Andrew Buie-Moltz

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Andrew Buie-Moltz (Col ’08 CM)

Birth announcement on July 14, 2022

David Buie-Moltz (Col’ 08 CM) and Campbell Buie-Moltz (Grad ’10) welcomed their beloved son, Jasper Otis Buie-Moltz, into the world on March 29, 2022. David is director of advancement communications at the UVA Darden School of Business Foundation, and Campbell is certification program manager at Teachstone, Inc. They live in Charlottesville.

Andrew Buie-Moltz (Col ’08 CM)

Job announcement on July 14, 2022

David Buie-Moltz (Col ’08 CM) started a new job as director of advancement communications at the UVA Darden School of Business Foundation in July 2022. Previously, he was director of strategic communications for UVA Health.

Andrew Buie-Moltz (Col ’08 CM)

Wedding announcement on December 17, 2020

David Moltz (Col ’08) and Campbell Buie (Grad ’10) married on Sept. 26, 2020, in a small, outdoor ceremony at Wisdom Oak Winery in North Garden, Virginia. Both are changing their last names to Buie-Moltz. Campbell is certification program manager at Teachstone, Inc. and, as of Nov. 1, 2020, David is director of strategic communications at UVA Health. Previously, he was communications manager for UVA’s Office of the President.