JoAnne Speiden

JoAnne Speiden (Educ ’69, Educ ’77)
Other announcement on March 21, 2022
JoAnne Hilson Speiden (Educ ’69, ’77) of Somerset, Virginia, was chosen as President of the Virginia Electoral Board Association on Mar. 20, 2022. This organization is a voluntary organization consisting of the 133 local Electoral Boards across the Commonwealth. Electoral Boards are citizen boards that ensure elections are conducted accurately, fairly, securely and according to the Code of Virginia. JoAnn received her B.S. in Education in 1969 and her M.S. in Education in 1977, and was employed by the Piedmont Regional Education Program in Charlottesville for 32 years as an adapted physical education teacher. Since then, she has been a member of the Orange County Electoral Board.