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Wilson Weber

Wilson Weber (Com ’84)

Wedding announcement on April 30, 2022

Wilson Weber (Engr ’13 CM) and his wife Ani McDowell celebrated their Feb 2020 California wedding with a belated East Coast reception at Charlottesville’s The Space Downtown on Oct 16, 2021. Fellow Wahoos in attendance included John Weber (Com ’84 CM), Joey Murphy (Engr ’12 CM), Kyle Brew (Engr ’13 CM), Kylene Brew (Engr ’13 CM), Patrick Brown (Engr ’13), Chris Curtin (Com ’13), Chris Millisits (Col ’13 CM), Andrew Noh (Engr ’13 CM), Jared Arrington (Col ’14 CM), Heidi Trott (Col ’14 CM), Will Vieth (Engr ’14, Law ’19 CM), Carter King (Engr ’15 CM), Taylor Chamness (Col ’17 CM), Zoe Grippo (Col ’18 CM), Jake Weber (Engr ’18 CM), Eileen Cowdery (Darden ’19) and Hank Weber (Engr ’20 CM). Will and Ani reside in Denver, Colorado, where Ani is a senior product manager at Split and Will is a consulting and engineering lead at Google.