Julia Truelove
Julia Truelove (Nurs ’14, Nurs ’15)
Wedding announcement on January 29, 2023

Julia Truelove (Nurs ’14, ’15) and David Ensey (Engr ’14) were married on October 6th, 2022 in Washington, D.C. The couple became friends after he invited her to interview for the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society. Truelove is the daughter of Margaret Kositch (Col ’83 CM) and Graham Truelove (Col ’83). The wedding party included Amanda J. Ray-Fehlinger (Engr ’13 CM), Patrick Greco (Col ’13, Law ’16), and Kathryn (Kingsbury) Greco (Col ’15 CM), with many other ’Hoos joining to celebrate. The couple lives in Washington, DC, where Truelove is a nurse in the Burn/Trauma ICU at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, and Ensey is the Director of Data Analytics at Optoro, a reverse-logistics technology firm.