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Winkfield Twyman

Winkfield Twyman (Col ’83 CM)

Publication announcement on May 6, 2023
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Winkfield F. “Wink” Twyman, Jr. (Col ’83 CM) has published Letters in Black and White: A New Correspondence on Race in America. The book, co-authored with Jennifer Richmond, chronicles Twyman’s experiences as a child of the New South in the 1970s suburbs, a place and time all but forgotten in modern discourse.

Born in Richmond, Virginia, Twyman lived on Twyman Road in then-Chesterfield County until the age of eight. Everyone living on Twyman Road was a Twyman. He writes of a time in a southern suburb when the things people shared in common mattered more than racial differences.

An Echols Scholar driven by the goal of attending Harvard Law School, Twyman also writes about what happened to his American dream 40 years later. 

A former law professor, Twyman lives in San Diego with his wife. They have three children – a first-year student at Stanford Business School, an entering graduate student at San Diego State University, and a sophomore at Yale.