Kris Nanda
Kris Nanda (Col ’81, Law ’85 CM)

Kris Nanda, (Col ’81, Law ’85 CM) of Ottawa, Ontario recently retired from the Canadian federal government where he worked for nearly 22 years. Before that, his career included six years as a diplomat with the U.S. Department of State , with postings in Toronto, Panama and Ottawa. From 2017-2021, he served as manager of environmental petitions for the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, helping Canadians convey their environmental concerns to federal cbinet ministers.
In August 2023, Kris and his wife Alison volunteered at A Rocha France’s study and retreat centre at Domaine des Courmettes in the Les Alpes Maritimes high above the Cote D’Azur and Nice in Southern France. A Rocha is a Christian organization with a twofold objective – conservation and raising public awareness on the need and reasons for being good stewards of creation. The Les Courmettes facility was built over 100 years ago with a donation from former UVA student Paul Goodloe McIntire, who also funded the McIntire School of Commerce at UVA and after whom McIntire Amphitheatre is named.