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David Landin

David Landin (Col ’68, Law ’72 CM)

Award/Recognition announcement on June 17, 2024

David Landin (Col ’68, Law ’72 CM) was honored by the Virginia Bar Association with a resolution recognizing his work on behalf of his alma mater, the University of Virginia, alongside his work on behalf of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello as a trustee and over five decades of service to the profession, including as president of The Virginia Bar Association, The Virginia Law Foundation and The Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys, but, importantly, for his chairmanship of the VBA Committee on Special Issues of National and State Importance, which he chaired for almost half of its being since its founding in 1974, “…in gratitude and recognition for these services and for exemplifying the ideals of the citizen lawyer and Virginian.”

The resolution was adopted by the board of governors at the ABA’s annual meeting in January in Williamsburg on behalf of “…The Virginia Bar Association’s members, and on behalf of colleagues throughout this Commonwealth…”, then read at the black-tie banquet.

Landin appeared on the cover of The Virginia Lawyer in the February issue, in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of The Virginia Law Foundation, which he led as president in 1987-88. He is shown with Judge Roger Gregory, 2024 Jefferson Medalist in Law; and Justice Jane Marum Roush (Law ’81 CM), immediate past president of the VLF.