Rozanne “Roze” Worrell

Rozanne “Roze” Worrell (Col ’82 CM)
Roze Worrell (Col ’82 CM) has published HEARTS: Finding Unexpected Signs of Hope, Comfort, and Joy. The book explores her profound experience of connecting with the divine through “heart-finds” and seeking their meanings.
After a series of significant life events, including the loss of a cherished heart necklace, Worrell started finding hearts. Everywhere. She wasn’t looking for them, but they seemed to be looking for her. From rocks to bits of foil, charms to blotches of oil, each heart-find appeared at a particular time and seemed to deliver a particular message. To Worrell, they were God’s way of telling her, “It’s okay. I’m here. You have all you need.”
Worrell started documenting the phenomenon with photos and journal entries, sharing her discoveries with friends and family members. These “field notes” not only resonated with them but they also started noticing the presence of hearts in their own lives.
Worrell’s approach embraces equal parts coincidence and providence. Her practical take-aways offer a guide to living well no matter the circumstance. In HEARTS, she shares some of her favorite finds–from hundreds found over forty years–conveying how the ordinary and the extraordinary alike can be divine interventions if we’re willing to embrace them.