Ryan Griswold
Ryan Griswold (Engr ’02 CM)
Birth announcement on November 9, 2018
Ryan P. Griswold (Engr ’02 L/M) and his wife, Caitlin, welcomed a daughter, Emma McBeth on Oct.31, 2018. The family lives in Darien, Connecticut.

Ryan Griswold (Engr ’02 CM)
Other announcement on March 16, 2016
Ryan Griswold (Engr ’02 CM) and his wife, Caitlin, welcomed a son, Hunter Patrick, on March 12, 2016. The family lives in New York City.
Ryan Griswold (Engr ’02 CM)
Other announcement on September 3, 2014
Ryan Griswold (Engr ’02 CM) and Caitlin S. McBeth were married on June 28, 2014, in Watch Hill, R.I. The couple resides in New York City, where Mr. Griswold works in leveraged finance for J.P. Morgan.