Marney White
Marney White (Com ’91)

Marney White (Com ’91) received the 2020 Teacher of the Year award from the Yale School of Public Health. This is the second distinguished teacher award White has won since 2014. Since then, she has also launched a class through Coursera, been denied the role of “feminist Ivy League Professor” in a local community theater production, and been a back-row dancer in the viral “Fairfield Mombies” Thriller/Halloween flashmob sensation.
Marney White (Com ’91)
Marney White (Com ’91) has been named “Teacher of the Year” by the Yale School of Public Health class of 2014. She considers this to be her greatest honor since being elected “Biggest Loafer” by the McIntire School of Commerce class of 1991. Professor White is an associate professor of psychiatry and chronic disease epidemiology at Yale University, where she also serves as associate director of the Yale Center for Anxiety and Mood Disorders. She lives in New Haven, Connecticut, with her spouse and children.