Ellen Bisnath
Ellen Bisnath (Col ’96 CM)
Birth announcement on September 25, 2018

Ellen Riegel Bisnath (Col ’96 L/M) and her husband, David, welcomed their second daughter, Elizabeth, on December 30, 2016. She joined her sister, Catherine. The family lives Hertfordshire, UK.
Ellen Bisnath (Col ’96 CM)
Other announcement on November 5, 2014

Ellen Bisnath (Col ’96 CM) and her husband, David, welcomed their first child, Catherine Emily Meera, on Feb. 5, 2014. The family currently resides outside of London, U.K., where Ms. Bisnath is a manager of international affairs at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Mr. Bisnath is a Chartered Accountant and both are Freemen of the City of London.