Travis McDonald
Travis McDonald (Arch ’80 CM)

Travis McDonald (Arch ’80 CM) received the UVA School of Architecture’s Distinguished Alumni Award for 2021. The award recognizes exceptional graduates from the School of Architecture who have demonstrated creativity, innovation, leadership and vision in their body of work, as well as in their service to UVA. McDonald has directed the restoration of Thomas Jefferson’s retirement retreat Poplar Forest since 1989. McDonald has also served on the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee for the University since 2007, and his book on Jefferson and Poplar Forest will be published by the UVA Press in the spring of 2023.
Travis McDonald (Arch ’80 CM)

A note on the new class. Last Sunday I hosted the new student send-off (Lynchburg and surrounding counties) party at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, an event I have been doing for a number of years. I attach a photograph of the students on the front steps of Poplar Forest. There isn’t a better place for a new student launch!