Susan Shapiro
Susan Shapiro (Col ’10 CM)
Birth announcement on September 15, 2021

Susan Shapiro (Col ’10 CM) and husband Zachary Shapiro (Engr ’09 CM) welcomed a son, Everett Morton, on July 21, 2021. His mom, dad, grandma Kim Ratliff (Col ’74), and aunt Anne Bowman (Col ’02 CM) are eager to share their love for UVA and Charlottesville with this sweet little guy.
Susan Shapiro (Col ’10 CM)
Other announcement on June 10, 2014
Susan Jane Grayden Bowman (Col ’10) and Zachary Drew Shapiro (Engr ’09) were married on May 24, 2014, in Asheville, North Carolina. The Shapiros reside in Raleigh, North Carolina, where Mrs. Shapiro is a combined veterinary/PhD student at North Carolina State University, and Mr. Shapiro is an MBA student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.