Blair Reilly
Blair Reilly (Com ’07 CM)

Blair Reilly (Com ’07 L/M) and Adam Matthews (Engr ’07 L/M) were married on May 7, 2011, in Charlottesville. The ceremony took place at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and the reception was held at King Family Vineyards in Crozet, Va. The wedding party included Elizabeth Gibbs (Col ’07 L/M), Demetra Karamanos (Col ’07, Law ’10 L/M), Alana Witte Newman (Col ’07), Nancy Ferretti Stranix (Col ’07), Mariah Underhill (Col ’07 L/M), Michael “Mickey” Cloud (Com ’07), Trey Garza (Col ’07), Chilton Griffin III (Engr ’07 L/M), Bernard Harkless (Arch ’07) and Bryan Wood (Col ’07). The couple lives in Arlington, Va., where Ms. Matthews works in marketing research for Millward Brown, and Mr. Matthews works in engineering for Jacobs.

Blair Reilly (Com ’07 CM)
Blair Reilly (Com ’07 L/M) lives in Arlington, Va., and is a client service manager at comScore, Inc., a digital market intelligence company headquartered outside Washington, D.C. She has been working in the digital marketing world since graduation.