James Sloan
James Sloan (Engr ’14)

Sophia Ximena Ahl (Col ’15) and James J. “Jimmy” Sloan (Engr ’14) were married on Feb. 23, 2019, at Catedral de Santa Catalina de Alejandria in Cartagena, Colombia, the bride’s maternal ancestral home country. Jimmy is a great grandson of the late Dr. Claude C. Coleman, professor of neurosurgery and founder of the department at the UVA School of Medicine. Thomas L. Johnson (Col ’14) was best man. Other Cavaliers in the wedding party were: Mary Kate Amato (Col ’15), Whitt Clement (Col ’14, Com ’15 L/M), Madelyn Flinn (Com ’15), Zander Geronimos (Com ’14), Charles Gillock (Col ’14 L/M), Story Hinckley (Col ’15), Jake Ingrassia (Col ’13), Peter Kiernan (Col ’14), Maisie Vere Nicoll (Col ’15 L/M), Beau Perona (Arch ’13) and Julia Sroba (Col ’15, Educ ’16).
In total about 100 Virginia alums made the trip to the tropics for the Ahl-Sloan nuptial celebration. After an Asian honeymoon, the couple resides in New York City.