Laura Griffin
Laura Griffin (Col ’00)
Laura Griffin (Col ’00) has been appointed Chief Deputy Clerk of Operations for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, effective October 18, 2021. Laura previously served as the Clerk of Court (senior court administrator) for the Chesterfield and Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts. She will work at the Spottswood W. Robinson III and Robert R. Merhige, Jr., Federal Courthouse in Richmond.

Laura Griffin (Col ’00)
Laura Gardner Griffin (Col ’00) graduated as a fellow of the Institute for Court Management through the National Center for State Courts in a ceremony held at the Supreme Court of the United States. Griffin is the clerk of court for Chesterfield Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court in Chesterfield, Virginia. Her project, “Ensuring Classification and Compensation Parity in Virginia’s District Courts,” was awarded the ICM Vice President’s Award of Merit for Applied Research.