Katie Sears
Katie Sears (Col ’05)
Birth announcement on August 11, 2021

Katherine Sheehan Sears (Col ’05 CM), Robert Sears (Col ’05), and big brother, Henry, welcomed baby Benjamin Robert on May 25, 2021. Ben is the grandson of Mary Gardes Sears (Col ’82 CM), the great-grandson of Col. George Gardes (Engr ’60), and the nephew of Annie Sheehan (Col ’13). The family lives in Leesburg, Virginia.

Katie Sears (Col ’05)
Birth announcement on May 21, 2019
Katie Sheehan Sears (Col ’05) and Robert Sears (Col ’05) welcomed their first child, Henry Vincent, on Jan. 7, 2019. He is the grandson of Mary Gardes Sears (Col ’82), the great-grandson of Col. George Gardes (Engr ’60), and the nephew of Annie Sheehan (Col ’13). Henry arrived in time to see Tony Bennett lead the Hoos to their first national championship in men’s basketball, and is now a Cavalier fan for life!