Spalding Manson
Spalding Manson (Com ’68)

Ken Manson (Com ’68) published Bring Me Back Alive: A Memoir of Adventure, Luck, and Terror in the Air. Manson’s first book covers his harrowing flying experiences as a U.S. Air Force pilot during the Vietnam War years. The book starts in 1967 with his initial training at he the UVA Airport (Milton Field) and concludes with his experiences as a Jolly Green Giant rescue pilot in 1973. Among the many unforgettable characters in the book is CMSGT Duane Hackney (the most decorated airman in the history of the Air Force) who flew with then-Capt. Manson during his time in the Air Rescue & Recovery Service. Flip Viles (Col ’68) served as an editor to make the book a reality. Mr. Manson is the father of Ashley Manson Marratt (Col 94) and William Manson (Col ’99), who is a doctor at the UVA Hospital.