Christopher D’Angelo

Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78 L/M) recently published an article, “Drone Usage: Beneficial on Projects—But They’re Not Toys,” in Modern Contractor Solutions and a chapter, “The Scope and Use of The Attorney-Client Privilege in the United States and Its Applicability to Communications in the U.S. and Abroad” in The Attorney-Client Privilege in Civil Litigation: Protecting And Defending Confidentiality, Seventh Edition. He also moderated the program Toxic Torts & Emerging Risks, which was presented in London by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the International Association of Defense Counsel. In February 2019, he was the moderator and a speaker at a meeting of the International Association of Defense Counsel. Mr. D’Angelo is chair of the business disputes and products liability practice and the international practice at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads.

Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78 L/M) was a speaker at the 2017 spring technical meeting of the International Alliance of Asbestos & Pollution Reinsurers (IntAP) in Munich in June 2017. IntAP is made up of the major players in the reinsurance world facing pollution and asbestos issues, primarily in the U.S. and Europe. His presentation and seminar included providing the U.S. experience, exposures and prognosis, giving insights to assist the companies in writing risks and handling claims. Mr. D’Angelo, who was a contributing author to the Defense Counsel Training Manual, published in 2016 by the International Association of Defense Counsel, was also the moderator and a speaker on “Data Privacy – No More Safe Harbour: Cross-Border Discovery and Compliance with Data Protection Laws” at the International Corporate Counsel College (ICCC) in October 2016. Mr. D’Angelo is on the faculty of the ICCC, of which he is a founder and a former director. The ICCC, which is held in Europe each fall, draws participants from around the world. Finally, Mr. D’Angelo was elected to a second term on the board of directors of Citizens Diplomacy International of Philadelphia, a public/private partnership with the U.S. Department of State and the City of Philadelphia. CDI’s mission is to promote mutual understanding among nations and prevent wars by bringing people face to face and creating a dialogue between Americans and guests from abroad. Mr. D’Angelo is chairman of the international practice and co-chairman of the products liability, mass claims and risk management section at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker and Rhoads in Philadelphia and New York.

Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher Scott D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’76 L/M) served as moderator and speaker for the annual International Corporate Counsel College in Brussels, Belgium, in October 2016. This interactive forum addresses the latest legal issues of particular importance to in-house corporate counsel in Europe and internationally; Mr. D’Angelo’s panel discussed the impact of data evolution on judicial and arbitral proceedings in the United States, the U.K. and the E.U. He is chairman of the international practice and co-chairman of the products liability, mass claims and risk management section at Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and New York City.
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78) was a featured speaker at the 2015 National Conference on Class Actions: Recent Developments in Quebec, in Canada and the United States, where he presented “What the European Union Is Doing with Collective Redress or Class Actions.” Mr. D’Angelo is an attorney with Montgomery McCracken in Philadelphia, where he is chairman of the firm’s international practice and co-chairman of the product liability, toxic torts and catastrophic events practice. He is national counsel for several major U.S. clients and represents foreign concerns in the United States and U.S. concerns abroad.
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78) recently served as moderator and speaker for the 2014 International Corporate Counsel College, organized and presented in Europe each year by the International Association of Defense Counsel. The “Data: The Gold of the XXI Century” conference was held in Milan, Italy, and explored the legal and practical challenges faced by multinational companies in the creation, use and protection of data as a corporate asset, privacy issues, information governance and asset protection, cybersecurity, crisis management, the “butterfly effect” and cyber risk and insurance. Mr. D’Angelo is chair of Montgomery McCracken’s international practice and co-chair of the firm’s product liability, toxic torts and catastrophic events practice. He serves as national counsel for several major U.S. clients and represents foreign concerns in the U.S. and U.S. concerns abroad.
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78) served as president of session of the program “Collective and Other Forms of Multiple/Mass Actions: How Far Are We in the EU Member States and the EU and How Far Do We Want to Go? Alternative Ways to Deal with Multiple or Mass Claims?” presented at the International Association of Defense Counsel European meeting in Brussels in May 2013. A member of the International Association of Defense Counsel, Mr. D’Angelo is chairman of the products liability, mass claims and risk management section and chairman of the international practice group at Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads based out of Philadelphia and New York City. He is also a member of the American Law Institute and a contributing author to The Attorney-Client Privilege in Civil Litigation, fifth edition, published by the American Bar Association.

Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher Scott D’Angelo was the President of Session of the program, Collective and Other Forms of Multiple/Mass Actions: How Far Are We in the EU Member States and the EU and How Far Do We Want to Go? Alternative Ways to Deal with Multiple or Mass Claims?” presented at the International Association of Defense Counsel European Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, May, 2013. Mr. D’Angelo is Chairman of the Products Liability, Mass Claims & Risk Management Section and Chairman of International Practice Group at Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP, based out of Philadelphia, PA and New York, NY. The International Association of Defense Counsel, which is the oldest international association of lawyers representing major corporations, both in-house and outside counsel. It consists of approximately 2400 invitation-only, peer-reviewed members who are private, corporate and insurance lawyers from more than 40 countries.

Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher Scott D’Angelo was a moderator and speaker at the International Corporate Counsel College in Paris, France, in November 2013. The ICCC is an interactive forum that addresses the very latest and coming legal issues of particular importance to in-house corporate counsel in Europe and internationally. It is an unique place where in-house lawyers can discuss issues of concern among themselves and with their outside defense counsel in a dynamic workshop of practical information and analysis. The ICCC is presented each year by the International Association of Defense Counsel, which is the oldest international association of lawyers representing major corporations, both in-house and outside counsel. It consists of approximately 2400 invitation-only, peer-reviewed members who are private, corporate and insurance lawyers from more than 40 countries.
This year’s College was entitled “Mastering New Challenges in a Global World: Six Ways to Meet Your Neighbor’s Legal Culture”.

Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher Scott D’Angelo is a Contributing Author to THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE IN CIVIL LITIGATION, Fifth Edition, published by the American Bar Association
Christopher D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78)
Christopher Scott D’Angelo (Col ’75, Law ’78 L/M) was a speaker on the program “Collective Redress / Class Action in the European Union—Blessing or Curse? Newest Developments and the Green Paper of the EU Commission: Evaluation and Comments” that was presented at the International Association of Defense Counsel’s Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic on May 8, 2009. Mr. D’angelo was also the moderator for the program “Ethics: The Erosion of the Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine, and Its Effect On In-House Counsel,” which was presented at the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel’s Corporate Counsel Symposium, held in Philadelphia, Penn., in September 2010. Mr. D’Angelo is a partner in the litigation department at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP and is chairman of its products liability & mass torts section and vice chairman of its sports, entertainment & amusements law practice.