Marc Olsen
Marc Olsen (Com ’01 CM)
Birth announcement on May 7, 2021

Marc Olsen (Com ’01 CM) and his wife, Emily, are thrilled to announce the birth of their third child, Vivienne Gray, on Jan. 2, 2021. (Not a 2020 baby!) Marc is president of one of the largest COVID-19 testing networks in the Southeast and manages a multitude of testing and vaccine medical clinics in Georgia. His wife is an epidemiologist at the CDC, studying on COVID-19. The family happily resides in Atlanta.
Marc Olsen (Com ’01 CM)
Other announcement on September 14, 2010

Marc Olsen (Com ’01 L/M), Emily O’ Malley Olsen, Ben Hallen (Engr ’00 L/M), and Katie Underwood Hallen (Col ’03 L/M), shared an adventure to Peru and Machu Picchu in September 2010.