Amy Karofsky
Amy Karofsky (Grad ’97)

Amy Karofsky (Grad ’92, ’97) published A Case for Necessitarianism. The book provides a case for and explanation of necessitarianism—the view that absolutely nothing about the world could have been otherwise in any way whatsoever. As the first defense of necessitarianism in over 300 years, it provides the only contemporary account and support of the necessitarian position and its merits. The arguments aim towards a more realistic and scientific explanation of the universe and everything in it and have implications for many different philosophical issues and positions. She is also the primary co-author of Philosophy Through Film, 4th edition, a text book for introductory philosophy classes that uses recent, popular movies to explore philosophical problems and issues. She is in her 24th year as a philosophy professor at Hofstra University and expects to be promoted to full professor at the end of the Spring semester.