Raymond Abramson

Raymond Abramson (Col ’73 CM)
Raymond R. Abramson (Col ’73 CM), a judge on the Arkansas Court of Appeals, received the Judicial Leadership Award from Access to Justice for his work in founding and implementing Monroe County Children in Trust, a program designed to lift children out of multigenerational poverty in the Arkansas Delta.
Raymond Abramson (Col ’73 CM)
Raymond Abramson (Col ’73 CM) has been elected to an eight-year term on the Arkansas Court of Appeals, effective Jan. 1, 2015. Judge Abramson practiced law in Holly Grove and Clarendon, Arkansas, for 34 years. He served on the Arkansas Court of Appeals by appointment of the governor from 2010 to 2012. Judge Abramson has also served as chairman of the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, the Monroe County Community Foundation, the Holly Smith Grove Library and the Holly Grove food pantry. He and his wife, Mockie, have two daughters: Anne, a graduate of Columbia and Yale universities, and Margaret Emily Abramson (Col ’07).
Raymond Abramson (Col ’73 CM)
Raymond R. Abramson (Col ’73 L/M) is associate judge to the Arkansas Court of Appeals. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Abramson practiced law in Clarendon, Ark., for 34 years. In addition to his law practice, he has served on and chaired numerous boards and commissions, including the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. He resides in Holly Grove, Ark., with his wife, Mockie, whom he met at the University of Edinburgh. They have two daughters, Emily (Col ’07) and Anne.