Elliot Felix
Elliot Felix (Arch ’99)

Elliot Felix (Arch ’99 CM) helps students and families get the most out of college with his new book. Felix founded brightspot strategy and has helped more than 100 colleges and universities use design thinking to improve what they offer, how they are organized and how they operate. In his new book, How to Get the Most Out of College (Alinea Learning, 2022), he shares what he’s learned about how colleges and universities work so that students and families can make it work for them, because it’s not just where you go to college but how you go to college.
How to Get the Most Out of College is the top new release in the academic development category on Amazon and was recently featured in Forbes. Having done hundreds of consulting projects to help attract and retain students, the book is a chance to give back and help level the playing field, including a “buy one, give one” model where for every copy sold, one is donated to a student in need.