“Other” Class Notes
Jonathan Mueller (Col ’98)
Jonathan Mueller (Col ’98) and Kimberly Somma Mueller (Col ’98 L/M) welcomed a daughter, Gillian Alma Lorraine, on May 26, 2015. Gillian joins big brother Jackson Walter, 5; and big sister Clara Elizabeth, 2. The family lives in Golden, Colorado.

Stirling McDavid (Nurs ’10)
Stirling McDavid (Nurs ’10) and her husband, Clem, welcomed a daughter, Palmer Caton, on June 11, 2015. Palmer is the granddaughter of Sandy Douglas (Col ’83 L/M) and Dabney Watts Douglas (Col ’84 L/M); great-granddaughter of Jimmy Watts III (Law ’65) and John Feagans (Col ’60 L/M); and great-niece of Jimmy Watts IV (Col ’88 L/M).
Alan Gold (Law ’76)
Alan Gold (Law ’76) has been selected for inclusion in the 2015 edition of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers in the field of appellate law; this is the 10th consecutive year he has been on the list. He is a shareholder in the law firm of Gold & Ferrante in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, where he focuses his practice on appellate law, commercial litigation, constitutional law and personal injury law.
Simeon Taft (Col ’99 CM)
Simeon Taft (Col ’99 CM) and his wife, Heidi, welcomed a son, Andrew Edward, on April 20, 2015. Andrew joins big brother George, 2. The family lives in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where Dr. Taft is a veterinarian.
Emily Hodge (Col ’05, Educ ’06, Grad ’07)
Emily Hodge (Col ’05, Educ ’06, Grad ’07) earned a doctorate from the department of education policy studies in the Pennsylvania State University College of Education on May 15, 2015. Her dissertation is titled “Rigor for All? The Enduring Tension Between Standardization and Differentiation in the Era of the Common Core State Standards.” Ms. Hodge is an assistant professor of educational leadership at Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey.
Richard Brown (Col ’74 CM)
Richard Brown (Col ’74 CM) has been appointed town administrator of Somerset, Massachusetts.
Mark Arey (Col ’98)

Mark Arey (Col ’98) and his wife, Shuchi Shah, welcomed a daughter, Daniela Winston Arey, on Jan. 2, 2015. Daniela joins big sister Mikaela Cameron, 7; and big brother Evan Kai, 5. The family lives in Tampa, Florida, where Dr. Arey is an ophthalmologist at Florida Eye Center.
Buddy Omohundro (Col ’92 CM)
Buddy Omohundro (Col ’92 CM) has been promoted to chief services officer of Apex Systems Inc., a staffing firm based in Richmond, Virginia. He will continue to head the company’s legal operations and provide executive oversight for Apex’s shared-services function.
Richard Forsten (Com ’85, Law ’88 CM)
Richard Forsten (Com ’85, Law ’88 CM) has been elected president of the Delaware State Bar Association and president of the Appoquinimink School District Board of Education, both for 2015-16. He is a partner in the Wilmington office of Saul Ewing, where he focuses on commercial real estate, business transactions and related litigation. Mr. Forsten also is chairman of the board for the Everett Theatre, a historic venue in Middletown, Delaware, and serves on the boards of Goodwill of Delaware and the Home Builders Association of Delaware.
Sarah Meadows (Col ’07 CM)
Sarah Meadows (Col ’07 CM) and Scott F. Meadows (Engr ’08, Darden ’15 L/M) welcomed a son, Avery Thomas, on June 9, 2015. The family has moved from Charlottesville to New York City, where Mr. Meadows works for Goldman Sachs.
George Drake (Educ ’93)
George Drake (Educ ’93) has been appointed founding dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Millersville University in Millersville, Pennsylvania. He was associate dean of the College of Education at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.

Lois Lea (Col ’83 CM)
Lois Lea (Col ’83 CM) and Thomas Edward Paalman were married Nov. 1, 2014, at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The couple lives in Santa Fe, where Ms. Paalman serves on the liturgical arts committee and the 150th anniversary task force at First Presbyterian Church and is involved with many community charities.

Jerold Freier (Col ’67 CM)
Jerold Freier (Col ’67 CM) has begun teaching college- and graduate-level business courses at Montclair State University and Rutgers University. He retired in 2014 after 22 years at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, where he directed more than 90 bank examinations and taught examiner training courses.
Eric Lent (Col ’00)
Eric Lent (Col ’00) has been named vice president, general counsel and secretary of Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, headquartered in the Seattle area. Ste. Michelle is Washington’s largest wine producer; it owns and operates wineries in Napa Valley, Oregon and Washington and imports wines from the premier wine regions of the world, including Italy, France, Chile, New Zealand and Spain.
Cyndee Moore (Col ’85, Educ ’02 CM)
Cyndee Moore (Col ’85, Educ ’02 CM) received a doctor of education degree in higher education leadership and policy from the Peabody College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University in May 2015. Ms. Moore is the regional vice president of operations for American National University in Indiana and Virginia, and for National College in Tennessee.
Thomas McKee (Col ’01 CM)
Thomas McKee (Col ’01 CM) and Alison Cunnane McKee (Col ’02 L/M) welcomed a son, Tucker William, on May 18, 2015. Tucker joins big brother Tommy, 6, and big sister Charlotte, 3. The family lives in Vienna, Virginia.
Michael Guthrie (Educ ’75, Educ ’76 CM)

Michael Guthrie (Educ ’75, Educ ’76 CM) has received the first-place award for best documentary or public affairs program from the Virginia Association of Broadcasters for “Conversation on Aging,” a segment that aired on his weekly Real Estate Matters radio show on 1070-WINA. On the show, Mr. Guthrie, who is a broker for and chief executive officer of Roy Wheeler Realty Co. in Charlottesville, and his guests discuss matters influencing the real estate market in the area.
Steven Cholewiak (Col ’06)

Steven Cholewiak (Col ’06) and his wife, Sara, welcomed a daughter, Cora Anne, on June 16, 2015. Mr. Cholewiak is a postdoctoral scholar in the department of psychology at Justus Liebig University Giessen in Giessen, Germany, where he works in vision science. He will begin a second postdoctoral position in the department of optometry at the University of California, Berkeley, in October.
Carl Markowitz (Com ’67 CM)
Carl Markowitz (Com ’67 CM) has retired after 45 years as an attorney specializing in residential and commercial real estate. Throughout his career, he conducted more than 20,000 real estate settlements. Formerly a resident of Virginia Beach, he now lives in Naples, Florida.
Julie Hummer (Col ’90 CM)
Julie Hummer (Col ’90 CM) has been appointed by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan to serve a five-year term on the board of education for Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Ms. Hummer brings a background in special education to the board, as well as experience parenting her own five students now in the county’s public schools.