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“Other” Class Notes

Elizabeth Williams (Nurs ’07)

Other announcement on October 8, 2018
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Doug Williams (Com ’07) and Libby Muldoon Williams (Nurs ’07) welcomed their first child, Virginia Grace, on Aug. 29, 2018. The family lives in Arlington, Virginia. Her aunts, Kathryn Muldoon Griffin (Com ’02) and Courtney Muldoon Nazareno (Col ’03), are looking forward to encouraging their niece to be a future Wahoo!

Alexander Cole (Col ’04)

Other announcement on September 29, 2018

Alexander Cole (Col ’04) and Kate Jerde Cole (Col ’05) welcomed their second daughter, Isabel, on August 30, 2018. Izzy joins big sister, Dylan, age 3, who is cautiously optimistic about the new addition. The family lives in Brooklyn, New York, but will be relocating to Glen Ridge, New Jersey, in the spring. 

Lee Roberts (Col ’83 CM)

Other announcement on September 26, 2018

Lee Roberts (Col ’83 L/M), a partner with Hudgins Gunn & Dial, was selected as a 2019 Mountain State super lawyer by Super Lawyers magazine.

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John Hewson (Col ’65 CM)

Other announcement on August 22, 2018

John M. Hewson III (Col ’65 L/M) a partner at business law firm HunterMaclean was recently selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2018 under the category of corporate law.

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Steve Klepper (Grad ’98, Law ’01)

Other announcement on August 22, 2018

Steve Klepper (Grad ’98, Law ’01) was recognized by The Best Lawyers in America as a “Best Lawyer” in the area of insurance law.

Jason Lovvorn (Grad ’96)

Other announcement on August 22, 2018

Jason F. Lovvorn (Grad ’96) was awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor of English at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Formerly an assistant director of the Belmont University Teaching Center, he currently serves as his department’s writing program director.

Tom Kinne (Engr ’83 CM)

Other announcement on August 21, 2018
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Tom Kinne (Engr ’83 L/M) had the privilege of flying the family of Pam and Maurice Wallace from St. Lucia to Charlotte, North Carolina. Pam is the CEO of the UVA Health System and Maurice is the associate director of the Carter G. Woodson Institute. They managed to get everyone in the flight deck of the Airbus for a photo. Kinne says, “Nice to meet you all! GO HOOS!”

Evan Macbeth (Col ’97 CM)

Other announcement on July 29, 2018
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Evan D. Macbeth (Col ’97 L/M) and his wife, Abbe Hoffman Macbeth (Col ’01 L/M), attended an unofficial reunion of members of the Virginia Pep Band in July. Representatives of classes from 1987 to 2004 were in attendance as well as more than a dozen children of couples who met in the band. Alumni donned their signature orange vests and enjoyed catching up. Photo by Jason Zeibel (Grad 01, 03).

Elan Leftin (Col ’16 CM)

Other announcement on July 24, 2018
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Elan Leftin (Col ’16 L/M) recently appeared on the premiere of the 13th season of America’s Got Talent with his comedy group, Human Fountains. Watch the viral performance that moved them on to the next round here

Leigh Ruhl (Col ’84)

Other announcement on July 20, 2018

Leigh Whittingham Ruhl (Col ’84) has joined Asheville School in Asheville, North Carolina, as assistant head of school for advancement.

Lee Clay Johnson (Grad ’11)

Other announcement on June 29, 2018

Lee Clay Johnson (Grad ’11) will publish “Four Walls Around Me to Hold My Life” in the Summer 2018 issue of the literary journal, Ploughshares. Johnson is the author of the novel Nitro Mountain (Knopf), which won the 2017 Sue Kaufman Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and his stories have appeared in numerous publications. He lives in New York City.  

Kim Doan (Educ ’08 CM)

Other announcement on June 22, 2018
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Kim Doan (Educ ’08 L/M) was selected to fill the empty seat on the board of supervisors in Uwchlan Township in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Uwchlan Township has three supervisors total. The position that requires the supervisor to learn aspects of township functions, work closely with residents, and make decisions for the health, safety, and wellbeing of the residents.

Aleco Bravo-Greenberg (Col ’90)

Other announcement on June 15, 2018
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Aleco Bravo-Greenberg (Col ’90) was part of the team that created Stress Killer, a non-drowsy supplement powder drink designed to calm and bring focus. More information can be found at

William Thompson (Com ’72 CM)

Other announcement on June 8, 2018
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Fred Thompson (Com ’72 L/M) was elected to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Board in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Natalie Guynn (Nurs ’09 CM)

Other announcement on June 7, 2018

Natalie Ellmann Guynn (Nurs ’09 L/M) is “thankful for all the amazing memories and the great education” she received at UVA.

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P. David Tarter (Col ’87, Law ’91)

Other announcement on June 4, 2018

P. David Tarter (Col ’87, Law ’91) was elected to a third term as mayor of Falls Church, Virginia.

Brian Wesley (Col ’03)

Other announcement on May 5, 2018

Brian T. Wesley (Col ’03) is engaged to Nicole L. Fischer (Col ’04). Mr. Wesley, the son of Ronald Wesley (Law ’75), is managing attorney at Thornton Wesley in Richmond, Virginia. Ms. Fischer is the assistant director of outreach and licensed psychologist at the UVA Counseling and Psychological Services in Charlottesville. A summer 2019 wedding is planned.

James Faison (Law ’09)

Other announcement on May 3, 2018
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M. James Faison (Law ’09) launched Milton’s Local, a brand of all-natural bacon and sausages in Charlottesville-area Food Lion stores. Faison originally pitched the idea for the company at Charlottesville’s Tom Tom Founders Festival in 2013. Milton’s Local was named for Faison’s grandfather, who was a Virginia farmer. The brand has won several awards, including those from the Specialty Food Association, the Natural Products Association and Garden & Gun magazine.


Michael Widener (Col ’72 CM)

Other announcement on April 13, 2018

Mike Widener (Col ’72 L/M) has published Joint Tenancies: Property Leasing in Cannabis Commerce (ABA Book Publishing), an analytical look at the landlord-tenant relationship engaging the marijuana industry. Widener has published two dozen articles in academic and trade journals while being an adjunct professor of law and of counsel at Bonnett, Fairbourn, Friedman & Balint. This is his second book. Widener is a member of the Arizona State Liquor Board and a zoning adjustment hearing officer for the City of Phoenix.

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Vegas Curry (SCPS ’13 CM)

Other announcement on March 1, 2018

Vegas T. Curry (SCPS ’13 L/M) and Leah Funk (Col ’10) celebrated their 10 year UVA friendversary at the Chichén Itzá Mayan ruins on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.  
