“Publication” Class Notes

Elliott Light (Engr ’70, Law ’73)
Elliott Light (Engr ’70, Law ’73) published The Gene Police in May 2018. The novel follows lawyer Shep Harrington after the DNA of a man long thought dead appears on the scene of a brutal murder. His quest leads down a slippery slope that leads to the subject of eugenics and a confrontation with ‘the gene police.’
John Attanasio (Col ’76 CM)

John Attanasio (Col ’76 L/M) published Politics and Capital: Auctioning the American Dream (Oxford) in May 2018. The book explores five ideas the author considers to be critical to addressing problems besetting the American political and economic systems.

Hibberd Kline (Law ’75)
Hibberd V. B. Kline III (Law ’75) has published For Arms, the second book in his Navy Gray series of the Civil War at sea. Filled with historically accurate characters and events in Liverpool, London and Ireland, the story brings to life the challenges faced by Britons and Americans as they tried to understand and respond to the cataclysm of the American Civil War.

Alison Hillhouse (Com ’99 CM)
Alison Hillhouse (Com ’99 L/M) created Virtual Grandma, a how-to guide on virtually connecting with little ones up to age 5 using FaceTime, Skype and other apps. The guide includes tips on how to construct a virtual cooking lesson, take your little one on house tours and make simple narrated videos. Go here for more information.
Fritz Franke (Com ’83 CM)

Fritz R. Franke (Com ’83 L/M) published his second novel from The Savior Project series, Terlokya. The novel charts the covertly trained existence of Chris Gates from his planned birth in 1966 to childhood to baseball star to U.S. senator, his life unfolds on Earth, guided, shaped, and rescued by “those who have watched over us” — before he is extracted by our protectors to be trained to lead Earth.
Scott Horton (Col ’02, Law ’05)

Scott Horton (Col ’02, Law ’05) published his first book, New York Management Law:The Practical Guide to Employment Law for Business Owners and Managers (Modern Legal Media). He also recently celebrated the first anniversary of his law firm, Horton Law.

Maria Olsen (Law ’88)
Maria Leonard Olsen (Law ’88) published 50 After 50–Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life (Rowman & Littlefield) in June 2018. The book follows 50 new things Olsen tried after turning 50, from physical challenges to lifestyle changes, and shows readers how to make their own action lists in such a new chapter of life. Olsen practices law in the D.C. area, where she is a WPFW radio show host, writing retreat leader and mentor to women in recovery.
Don Zillman (Law ’73)
Don Zillman (Law ’73) published two books. He co-wrote Living the World War, Vol. Two (Vandeplas Publishers), which is a week by week study of America’s participation in World War I using sources like The New York Times and the Congressional Record. He was also an editor of Innovation in Energy Law and Technology (Oxford University Press), in which 37 legal scholars examine the technological and legal changes that are driving the world economy.

Jillian Thomadsen (Com ’99)
Jillian Adler Thomadsen (Com ’99) published her first book All the Hidden Pieces on April 21, 2018. The book is a suspense novel about a family that receives a mysterious phone call and suddenly disappears. Thomadsen has written for Sophisticated Living St. Louis, ADDitude Magazine, The Today Show Parenting, Bloomberg BusinessWeek and ScaryMommy, but it was her ten-year-old son’s dyslexia that compelled her to write this novel.
Heather Curtis (Col ’91 CM)

Heather D. Curtis (Col ’91 L/M) published Holy Humanitarians: American Evangelicals & Global Aid (Harvard University Press, 2018). The book examines the crucial role popular religious media played in the extension of US philanthropy at home and abroad from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. Curtis is an Associate Professor of Religion at Tufts University. She is also the director of the American Studies Program and an affiliated faculty in history, international religions and the Tisch College of Civic Life.
Neva Bryan (Col ’89 CM)

Neva Bryan (Col ’89 L/M) is among the poets, essayists and fiction writers published in the 2018 volume of the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, for which New York Times bestselling author Wiley Cash served as editorial adviser. This year’s volume includes the work of two state poet laureates. Bryan is the author of three novels and a collection of short stories and poems.
Caitlin Ryan (Col ’01)

Caitlin L. Ryan (Col ’01) has published Reading the Rainbow: LGBTQ-Inclusive Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Classroom. Drawing on several years of research by Ryan and her co-author, Jill Hermann-Wilmarth, the book uses examples of teaching from a wide range of elementary classrooms to explain why and how LGBTQ-inclusive literacy instruction is possible, relevant and necessary in grades K–5. Ryan is currently an associate professor of reading education in the College of Education at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.

Sharon Pywell (Col ’75)
Sharon Pywell (Col ’75) published The Romance Reader’s Guide to Life (Flatiron Press) a romance about romances and what they can do to you if you’re not careful, will appear in paperback in April 2018.

Suzanne Henley (Col ’67)
Suzanne Smith Henley (’67) has published a book, Bead by Bead: The Ancient Way of Praying Made New (Paraclete Press). The book, for all faith traditions, presents a creative way to pray for those who seek a more intimate experience with God.
Ashley Brown (Col ’90)

Ashley Ellington Brown (Col ’90) published her first book, A Beautiful Morning: How a Morning Ritual Can Feed Your Soul and Transform Your Life (Leo Press), on Feb. 22, 2018. Brown interviewed more than 20 successful women, including New York Times best-selling author and life coach Martha Beck. The women discuss how their morning routines enable them to steer their lives with purpose and experience more joy, and provide suggestions for the reader on how to create a personally meaningful morning ritual.
Christina Villafaña Dalcher (Col ’89)

Christina Dalcher (Col ’89) will publish her first novel, published by Berkley Books (Penguin Random House), on Aug. 21, 2018. While VOX imagines a world where women are only allowed to speak 100 words a day, it also examines language as the basis of our humanity, and freedom of speech as a right to be treasured.
Frank Connolly (Arch ’72 CM)
Frank B. Connolly (Arch ’72) has published a second book, Hidden Agendas Inside Town Hall. The novel follows the fighting and political shenanigans that take place in an imaginary Connecticut community as it struggles with a proposed land development. Mr. Connolly’s first book, Local Government in Connecticut, 3rd Edition, was published in 2013 by Wesleyan University Press and won the press’s 2013 Driftless Award for an outstanding book on a Connecticut topic or written by a Connecticut author.
Susan Pan (Engr ’91 CM)
Susan Perng Pan (Engr ’91 L/M) and Michael Tobin (Col ’11), authored a case law reference, The Essential Case Law Guide to PTAB Trials. Ms. Pan is a partner with Sughrue Mion, where Mr. Tobin is an associate. The book, co-authored with their Sughrue colleagues, is the first comprehensive text on decisions of the U.S. Patent Office regarding the newest form of administrative law practice before that agency. Through analysis and summary of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s decisions, the text identifies boundaries of the organization’s rules, providing guidance for handling these highly specialized matters before the U.S. Patent Office. The book, available here, will be published by the American Bar Association’s section on intellectual property law.

Allen Boyer (Law ’82)
Allen Boyer (Law ’82) has published a review of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist: A True Story of Injustice in the American South by Radley Balko and Tucker Carrington (Col ’89). Mr. Boyer formerly worked as senior appellate counsel at the New York Stock Exchange Division of Enforcement.
Tony Covington (Col ’90)

Tony Covington (Col ’90) self-published a memoir, I Am Underdog: A Journey of Adversity & Blessings on May 18, 2017.