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“Other” Class Notes

George House (Law ’72)

Other announcement on February 26, 2018

George House (Law ’72) was recognized by the 2018 edition of Super Lawyers of North Carolina as a top lawyer in the field of environmental litigation. Mr. House is a lawyer with Brooks Pierce in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Mark Davidson (Law ’83)

Other announcement on February 23, 2018

Mark Davidson (Law ’83) was selected for the 2018 edition of Super Lawyers of North Carolina as a top lawyer in the field of business/corporate law. Mr. Davidson is a lawyer with Brooks Pierce in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Bill Cary (Col ’67, Darden ’76, Law ’76 CM)

Other announcement on February 23, 2018

Bill Cary (Col ’71, Darden ’76, Law ’76) was selected by the 2018 edition of Super Lawyers of North Carolina as one of the top lawyers in the field of employment/labor law. Mr. Cary is a lawyer with Brooks Pierce in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Lawrence Croft (Col ’67 CM)

Other announcement on February 6, 2018
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Gary Goodman (Col ’67 L/M), Jim Morgan (Col ’67, Med ’71 L/M), Ken Poates (Col ’67, Med ’73), Laurie Croft (Col ’67 L/M), Bruce Thomas (Col ’67, Res ’77), Fred Jones (Col ’67 L/M), Ned Jones (Col ’67 L/M) and Bill Marr (Col ’67 L/M), members of the 1963 first year football team known as The 21 Jewels, were together at their 50th reunion. Officially, the team was so-named because 1963 was the first year UVA awarded a record number of 21 football athletic scholarships. However, there was general consensus that the team’s nickname most accurately described the gem-like quality of the players; let history so record.   

Patricia Cooper (Col ’05, Law ’10 CM)

Other announcement on February 2, 2018
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Patricia Cooper (Col ’05, Law ’10 L/M) donated the right lobe of her liver to her father, Dr. Wayne D. Cooper in a complex liver transplant surgery at the University of Maryland Medical Center on Dec. 5, 2017. Dr. Cooper was suffering from end stage liver disease, and Ms. Cooper volunteered to donate her liver to him, as there was a low chance that he would ever receive a cadaver donor from the transplant list. They were each hospitalized for one week and are both recovering well. Ms. Cooper has returned to her home in Miami, Florida, and is back to work full-time as an immigration attorney at Gerstein & Gerstein Attorneys.  Dr. Cooper is home in McLean, Virginia. The Washington Post covered their story here. Dr. Cooper is the father of two other UVA graduates, Ryan Cooper (Col ’07), and Becky McDannel (Com ’11 L/M). 

Gabriela Gutowski (Arch ’05 CM)

Other announcement on January 23, 2018
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Gabriela Gutowski (Arch ’05 L/M) and David Hammack (Engr ’05) are engaged to be married. The couple reside in Falls Church, Virginia, and an April 2018 wedding is planned in Charlottesville. Ms. Gutowski is the daughter of Andrew Gutowski (Arch ’75) and Francesca Lupica Gutowski (Arch ’74). 

Erika Chiang (Col ’04)

Other announcement on December 23, 2017

David Theisz (Engr ’04) and Erika Chiang (Col ’04) welcomed their first child, Henry Ming-Yu, on Nov. 4, 2017. Henry is the grandson of Gordon Frederick Theisz Jr. (Engr ’59, ’66) and the nephew of Gordon W. Theisz (Med ’98). The family lives in Arlington, Virginia.

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Laura Lee Oliva (Col ’09 CM)

Other announcement on December 19, 2017

Laura Lee Sydnor Oliva (Col ’09 L/M) brought her daughter Natalie to the baby’s first tailgate, which she got to enjoy with her uncle Ben Sydnor (CLAS 07), and aunt Holly Turner Sydnor (Col 08 L/M).

Doug Doughty (Col ’74)

Other announcement on December 6, 2017

Doug Doughty (Col ’74), a sports reporter in Roanoke, Virginia, has been named to the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame. He will be inducted in April.

Martha Elcan (Col ’78)

Other announcement on December 6, 2017
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Martha “Marty” Elcan (Col ’78) worked as a first assistant director on an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” and was surprised to find two fellow UVA theater majors were actors on the show: Jason George (Col ’94 L/M), who plays Ben and will be headlining the new Shonda Rhimes firefighter spin-off series, and Sarah Drew (Col ’02), who plays April. Saying hi from the set!

Justin Humphreys (Col ’01)

Other announcement on November 27, 2017
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Justin Humphreys (Col ’01) cataloged the original Robby the Robot prop from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet, which recently set a world record for the most expensive movie prop to ever sell at auction. The robot’s record-breaking sale for $5.3 million was covered by the New York Times, CBS News and other news outlets.

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Eric Cunningham (Col ’06 CM)

Other announcement on November 15, 2017

Eric Cunningham (Col ’06 L/M) successfully voted in the 2017 election. He voted for mayor, city council and some New York state supreme court judges (though that seems like something we shouldn’t be voting on). Worth noting, all the candidates Mr. Cunningham picked were ultimately elected except for one Green Party candidate, proving that Mr. Cunningham is both a golden goose of voting and also that third parties don’t work.

Robert Light (Col ’76 CM)

Other announcement on November 9, 2017

Robert Chambliss “Cham” Light Jr. (Col ’76 L/M) was the lead panelist in a Virginia Law Foundation continuing legal education seminar on “Improving Your Results in Bodily Injury Claims” on Oct. 20, 2017. For his presentation, Mr. Light drew on more than 30 years as an assistant general counsel and claims director with Nationwide Insurance Company.   

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Abigail Spanberger (Col ’01)

Other announcement on October 19, 2017

Abigail Davis Spanberger (Col ’01) is running for Congress in Virginia’s seventh district, which includes the Richmond suburbs and stretches north to Culpeper and south to Nottoway. After a career of public service serving domestically and internationally, including as a CIA operations officer, Ms. Spanberger returned home to Virginia in 2014 to begin a career in the private sector. She launched her full-time campaign for the 2018 elections in July. She and her husband, Adam Spanberger (Engr ’02), live in Glen Allen, Virginia, with their children.

Steven Le (Col ’15)

Other announcement on October 13, 2017
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Steven Le (Col ’15) has created MeeteR, a free app that provides a centralized platform through which college students can connect with friends and colleagues. First launching exclusively at UVA, MeeteR enhances opportunities for social connection, facilitates outreach, strengthens collegiate bonds, and fosters personal and professional relationships in campus communities across the country. More information is available here.

Randy Tinsley (Law ’87)

Other announcement on September 22, 2017
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Randy Tinsley (Law ’87) was recognized in the 2018 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for his work in the environmental law and litigation fields. Mr. Tinsley resides in Greensboro, North Carolina, and works at the law firm, Brooks Pierce. 

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Dennis Curran (Law ’77)

Other announcement on September 5, 2017

Dennis J. Curran (Law ’77), justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court, received the William Whiting Award for Judicial Courage from the Massachusetts chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates “in recognition of his many years of honorable service to the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in appreciation for his determination to ‘watch and guard the liberties of the people.’”

Elizabeth Paul (Grad ’99)

Other announcement on September 1, 2017

Elizabeth Paul (Grad ’99) of Arlington, Virginia, published her debut chapbook, Reading Girl (Finishing Line Press). This collection of ekphrastic prose poems explores the paintings of French post-impressionist Henri Matisse. Elizabeth teaches writing and ESOL in the Washington, D.C. area. Learn more at

William Worsley (Col ’73, Darden ’85, Grad ’76 CM)

Other announcement on August 1, 2017

William Worsley (Col  ’73, Grad ’76, Darden ’85 L/M) has published his first novel, Investing in Vain (Distinction Press, 2017). The novel, based on Mr. Worsley’s decades of experience overseeing money managers, is a satire about Vain Capital, an under-performing Washington firm that promotes socially responsible investing to a corrupt world. Mr. Worsley retired in 2016.

Sarah Puckett (Col ’09 CM)

Other announcement on July 16, 2017

Sarah Puckett (Col ’09 L/M) and her husband, Tim, keep a blog,, as a way to document their travels around the world. In 2014, they took a year off of work and traveled to all seven continents in 11 months. They plan to visit 40 more countries on an 18-month trip in 2018-2019.

Hoping to dispel the myth that you have to 1) quit your career or 2) work while traveling in order to travel extensively, they embark on their travels with a five-part mission: 

* Travel without working.

* Demonstrate that it is possible to take a year or more off without hurting your career.

* Rack up millions of hotel points and airline miles to make travel more cost effective.

* Immerse themselves in other places, other people, other cultures, and be an advocate for respectful travel.

* Pick up trash that is in their path, in their own city and any others they travel to, a small gesture to make the world an even more beautiful place as they go.



Tim John Kub

Sarah Elizabeth Puckett



