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“Other” Class Notes

Charles Printz (Col ’72 CM)

Other announcement on May 5, 2015

Charles Printz (Col ’72 CM) has been elected president of the Defense Trial Counsel of West Virginia. A partner with Bowles Rice in Martinsburg, West Virginia, he focuses his practice on civil litigation. Over the course of his career, he has tried more than 80 jury trials to verdict and argued more than 40 appeals before the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia and the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Printz is also a member of the Defense Research Institute and its commercial litigation committee.

John Wilder (Col ’62 CM)

Other announcement on April 29, 2015

John Wilder (Col ’62 CM) has published The Mover: The Travels of Charles Wilkins in 1838, the fictional story of a young carpenter from the English Midlands who emigrates to the American Midwest. After securing passage on a merchant ship, Wilkins is asked by the ship’s captain to take over the duties of the injured ship carpenter, and adventure ensues. Mr. Wilder, a history buff, was inspired to write the book after reading a family diary from 1831.

Casey Stein (Col ’10 CM)

Other announcement on April 27, 2015
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Casey Stein (Col ’10 CM) and Daniel Rooney were married on Sept. 20, 2014, in Reston, Virginia. Ms. Rooney is the daughter of Janet Weissbecker Stein (Col ’79 L/M). The couple lives in New York City, where Ms. Rooney works at the nonprofit American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee while studying at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, and Mr. Rooney is an associate at J.P. Morgan.

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Megan Shope (Arch ’94, Arch ’96)

Other announcement on April 22, 2015

Megan Shope (Arch ’94, Arch ’96) has been promoted to principal of Winks Snowa Architects, a Richmond, Virginia, firm that specializes in multifamily housing and senior living projects in the mid-Atlantic region. Ms. Shope is a member of the American Institute of Architects and the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards; she also is a LEED Accredited Professional.

David Walsh (Engr ’91 CM)

Other announcement on April 21, 2015

David Walsh (Engr ’91 CM) has been promoted to colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps. He serves in the H-1 program office at Naval Air Systems Command in Patuxent River, Maryland.

Steven Semes (Arch ’75 CM)

Other announcement on April 21, 2015

Steven Semes (Arch ’75 CM) is an associate professor and director of the graduate program in historic preservation at the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture. He is editor of the Classicist, the annual peer-reviewed journal of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, and from 2008 to 2011, he was academic director of Notre Dame’s Rome studies program. Mr. Semes is also the author of two books, The Future of the Past: A Conservation Ethic for Architecture, Urbanism, and Historic Preservation (2009), and The Architecture of the Classical Interior (2004); numerous journal articles; and a blog, The View from Rome. He splits the year between Rome and the Notre Dame campus.

Lynne Benzion (Col ’85)

Other announcement on April 19, 2015

Lynne Benzion (Col ’85) has been appointed vice president of strategic planning for the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, in West Palm Beach, Florida. She is a Certified Economic Developer who works on a variety of business attraction, retention, expansion and entrepreneur development projects. Ms. Benzion served for 10 years with Rockville Economic Development in Rockville, Maryland, where she held a variety of positions, including deputy director. She lives in Hollywood, Florida, with her husband, Ira Benzion; they have two adult children.

Anne Schmidt (Com ’05 CM)

Other announcement on April 16, 2015
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Anne Schmidt (Com ’05 CM) and Mike Schmidt (Com ’05 L/M) welcomed a daughter, Marie Virginia, on April 6, 2015. The family recently relocated to Austin, Texas, where Mr. Schmidt is a senior brand strategist at McGarrah Jessee and Ms. Schmidt owns Scout Digital, a web development firm.

Darrin Witt (Com ’98 CM)

Other announcement on April 16, 2015
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Darrin Witt (Com ’98 CM) was promoted to general partner at WEDGE Capital Management in 2014. He also serves on the board of directors at Bless Back Worldwide, a nonprofit organization serving communities in Haiti and Nicaragua. Mr. Witt lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his wife, Heather, and their three children, Charlie, 10; Emma, 9; and Jake, 6.

Matthew Baer (Col ’07 CM)

Other announcement on April 15, 2015

Matthew Baer (Col ’07 CM) and Elizaveta Budko (Col ’10) were married on March 29, 2015, in Morris Township, New Jersey. Jonathan Falk (Col ’07) officiated. The couple lives in Richmond, Virginia.

Kirsten Francis (Col ’03 CM)

Other announcement on April 15, 2015
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Kirsten Francis (Col ’03 CM) and Spencer Francis (Engr ’03 L/M) welcomed a daughter, Adry Virginia, on April 25, 2014. Adry joins sisters Lane Margaret, 5; and Nora Mackenzie, 3.

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Kalin Kanov (Col ’06 CM)

Other announcement on April 15, 2015

Kalin Kanov (Col ’06 CM) and Teodora Mihaylova (Col ’09 L/M) were married on May 24, 2014, in Charlottesville. Mr. Kanov is completing his doctorate in computer science at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the couple plans to relocate to New York City, where he will work for Bloomberg as a software engineer.

Wilmah Getchell (Col ’67)

Other announcement on April 12, 2015

Wilmah Getchell (Col ’67) has been named honorary whipper-in for the Nantucket-Treweryn Beagles, a subscription pack kenneled in Berryville, Virginia.

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Laura Sweeny (Col ’85 CM)

Other announcement on April 11, 2015

Laura Sweeny (Col ’85 CM) is an information technology solutions engineer for the Ahold USA grocery chain. She lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Chris Durant, and daughter, Dasha. Ms. Sweeny is also active in mission work with her church.

John Warburton (Col ’00)

Other announcement on April 10, 2015
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John Warburton (Col ’00) and Kimberly Bareford Warburton (Col ’01, Educ ’01, ’03 L/M) welcomed a daughter, Katherine “Kate” August, on March 26, 2015. Kate joins brothers Ben, 6; Max, 4; and Will, 1.

Sean Dwyer (Col ’78 CM)

Other announcement on April 9, 2015

Sean Dwyer (Col ’78 CM) has been named founding director of the Center for Executive and Professional Development at Louisiana Tech University. An associate professor of marketing, he teaches classes at the undergraduate, M.B.A. and Ph.D. levels, and previously founded and served as director of Louisiana Tech’s executive M.B.A. program. Mr. Dwyer is also active in his community, having served on the executive boards of the local chamber of commerce and the Cedar Creek School. He has lived in Ruston, Louisiana, with his wife, Linda, and their sons, Connor, Ryan and Sean, since 1996.

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Matthew Madden (Col ’01, Law ’07 CM)

Other announcement on April 7, 2015

Matthew Madden (Col ’01, Law ’07 CM) argued Harris v. Viegelahn, a bankruptcy case, before the U.S. Supreme Court in April 2015. Mr. Madden is an attorney in the Washington, D.C., trial and appellate litigation boutique firm Robbins Russell Englert Orseck Untereiner & Sauber. He and his wife, Trisha Morrow Madden (Col ’02, Educ ’03 L/M), reside in Arlington, Virginia, with their children Colin Michael, 8; Peter Robert, 6; James Matthew, 4; and Annie Margaret, 1.

Erin Liss (Col ’05, Educ ’06)

Other announcement on April 5, 2015

Erin Liss (Col ’05, Educ ’06) and her husband, Casey, welcomed a son, Declan James, on Oct. 29, 2014. The family resides in Richmond, Virginia.

Paul Grabb (Col ’84, Med ’88 CM)

Other announcement on April 3, 2015
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Paul Grabb (Col ’84, Med ’88 CM) has been named chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, effective summer 2015. He and his wife, Brenda Costello Grabb (Col ’86, Med ’90 L/M), recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They have two sons, Declan, a junior at Vanderbilt; and Gavin, a freshman at the University of Alabama.

Ravi Shankar (Col ’96 CM)

Other announcement on April 2, 2015
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Ravi Shankar (Col ’96 CM) has published a new book of poetry, What Else Could it Be. Mr. Shankar is a professor of English at Central Connecticut State University and in the master of fine arts program at City University of Hong Kong. He has received a number of awards for his work, among them a Pushcart Prize. A founding editor of electronic arts journal Drunken Boat, one of the first electronic arts journals on the web, he also served as co-editor for W.W. Norton & Co.’s Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia and Beyond. Mr. Shankar’s other books include Instrumentality, a 2005 Connecticut Book Award finalist; and Deepening Groove, winner of the 2011 National Poetry Review Prize. His work, which he has performed around the world, has been featured in the New York Times and the Paris Review. Mr. Shankar has appeared on PBS, BBC and NPR, and has held fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the Jentel Foundation and the Blue Mountain Center.
