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“Other” Class Notes

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Jennifer Christiaansen (Arch ’97 CM)

Other announcement on June 18, 2014

Jennifer Christiaansen (Arch ’97 CM) and her husband, Jason, welcomed a son, Frederick Louis, on Jan. 6, 2014. Frederick joins big brother Henry Oliver, 3. The family resides in Edina, Minn.

George Coussoulos (Educ ’65)

Other announcement on June 17, 2014

George Coussoulos (Educ ’65) recently published The Transformation of Thomas Jefferson: The Dilemma of Slavery, a speculative book of fiction that sorts through the racism that permeated every aspect of 19th-century society. Mr. Coussoulos holds a master’s degree in educational psychology and previously wrote a book for educators, Behind Closed Doors: Every Teacher’s Chance to Change the World, published in 2004.

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Lavell Payne (Col ’11 CM)

Other announcement on June 16, 2014

Lavell Payne (Col ’11 CM) graduated from the University of Akron School of Law on May 18, 2014. In addition to receiving a Juris Doctor degree, Ms. Payne received the 2013-14 National Association of Women Lawyers Award and the 2013-2014 American Law Institute—Continuing Legal Education Scholarship & Leadership Award. She has accepted a position as an in-house trial attorney with the trial division of Nationwide Insurance. Ms. Payne and her children, Tyanna and Tavien, reside in northeast Ohio.

John Russo (Engr ’89 CM)

Other announcement on June 16, 2014

John Russo (Engr ’89 CM) has been named product director at Honeywell Aerospace in Phoenix. In this new role, he is responsible for developing and implementing long-term strategic financial objectives for various propulsion engine product lines. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Chandler, Ariz., with their two children.

Courtney Reynolds (Col ’95 CM)

Other announcement on June 15, 2014

Courtney Reynolds (Col ’95 CM) and her husband, John, welcomed a daughter, Margaret Lee, “Meg,” on June 8, 2014. Meg joins big sister Rachel, 3.

Jeff Larson (Grad ’87 CM)

Other announcement on June 14, 2014

Jeff Larson (Grad ’87 CM) is executive administrative assistant in the office of student success and student learning at College of the Desert in Palm Desert, Calif.

Christian Lapham (Col ’97)

Other announcement on June 13, 2014
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Christian Lapham was listed as a Virginia Super Lawyer in Family Law for 2014.

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Lauren Heidbrink (Arch ’98, Col ’98)

Other announcement on June 11, 2014

Lauren Heidbrink (Arch ’98, Col ’98) published Migrant Youth, Transnational Families, and the State: Care and Contested Interests, an ethnography of child migration and detention, with the University of Pennsylvania Press.

George Everson (Educ ’73)

Other announcement on June 11, 2014

Not entirely sure that ’73 is the correct year that my father earned his degree from UVA, but please make a note that he died March 22, 2013, and remove him from the mailing list for the alumni magazine and all associated correspondence.

Thank you, Jane Everson (Class of 80/83)

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William Teale (Educ ’73, Educ ’77)

Other announcement on June 11, 2014

William Teale (Educ ’73, Educ ’77) is a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has been named a University Scholar by the University of Illinois system and has been appointed director of the UIC Center for Literacy.

Susan Shapiro (Col ’10 CM)

Other announcement on June 10, 2014

Susan Jane Grayden Bowman (Col ’10) and Zachary Drew Shapiro (Engr ’09) were married on May 24, 2014, in Asheville, North Carolina. The Shapiros reside in Raleigh, North Carolina, where Mrs. Shapiro is a combined veterinary/PhD student at North Carolina State University, and Mr. Shapiro is an MBA student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

Amber Westphal (Col ’07)

Other announcement on June 10, 2014

Amber Westphal (Col ’07) received a Master of Arts degree in teaching in May 2014 from George Mason University, where she was an officer of the National Art Education Association student chapter. She also received an award in recognition of her excellent teaching, academic and artistic performance.

Richard Miller (Col ’75 CM)

Other announcement on June 10, 2014

Richard Miller (Col ’75 CM) has accepted a faculty appointment at the University of Chicago, beginning July 1, 2014. He was previously Provost Professor in the department of religious studies at Indiana University, where he had taught since 1985.

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Christopher Payne (Col ’81 CM)

Other announcement on June 9, 2014

Christopher Payne (Col ’81 CM) retired after serving for 21 years as the director of female urology and neurourology at Stanford University Medical School; he will remain on the faculty as emeritus professor of urology. For 10 consecutive years, Dr. Payne was voted to Castle Connolly’s “America’s Top Doctors” list. In summer 2014, he and his wife, Dr. Jeannette Potts, opened a new practice, Vista Urology and Pelvic Pain Partners, in San Jose, Calif. The practice aims to provide comprehensive, personalized care to patients with complex urological disorders. Dr. Payne and Dr. Potts have also started a holistic farm and vineyard, Al Pie del Cielo, in the Central Coast region of California.

Robert Sell (Col ’75 CM)

Other announcement on June 7, 2014

Robert Sell (Col ’75 CM) has retired for a second time. He first retired in 2009 from Corning Inc., where he had worked for 30 years, most recently as manager of strategy development, intellectual property and marketing communications. Mr. Sell retired this year after five years as a professor of management at Elmira College in New York.

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James Block (Col ’68 CM)

Other announcement on June 6, 2014

James C. Block will retire at the end of June 2014 after 43 years of teaching English at Northfield Mount Hermon School. He taught on exchanges at Marlborough College, Wiltshire, England and at Robert College, Istanbul. He and his wife Penny will live in Chestertown, Md.

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Mark Scharf (Col ’84 CM)

Other announcement on June 6, 2014

Mark Scharf (Col ’84 CM) was a contributing participant playwright at the 2014 Sewanee Writers’ Conference, hosted by the University of the South in July and August.

Ryann Laden (Educ ’14)

Other announcement on June 5, 2014

Ryann McKinley Laden and Kevin Laden welcomed a daughter, Jane Violet, on April 3, 2014. She joins a sister, Ruby Colleen, 6, and a brother, Sam Michael, 2.

Steven Harvey (Grad ’89)

Other announcement on June 5, 2014

Steven Harvey (BA ’71) will retire after thirty-eight years of teaching English at Young Harris College. He is the author of three books of essays including Bound for Shady Grove (Georgia) and will continue as a founding faculty member in the low-residency M.F.A. program in creative writing at Ashland University in Ohio. Last year his essay “The Book of Knowledge” was selected by Cheryl Strayed for The Best American Essays 2013.

Pierce Louis (Col ’01)

Other announcement on June 4, 2014
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Pierce Louis (Col ’01) launched Dirt Hugger, a regional composting company based in the Pacific Northwest that turns organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, as a startup in 2010. Dirt Hugger has since composted more than 20,000 tons of material previously destined for landfills and has sold over 10,000 yards of organic compost to 825 unique farmers, growers and gardeners. The company is currently raising funds for a new facility that will help create a long-term composting infrastructure.
