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Andrew Taylor-Troutman (Grad ’11) Julia Tazelaar (Col ’16 CM) Julia Tazelaar (Col ’16 CM) Catherine Teague (Educ ’80 CM) William Teale (Educ ’73, Educ ’77) Melissa Tebbs (Col ’01 CM) Adrienne Tekampe (Col ’02) Ryan Ten (Col ’20 CM) Julie Teprovich (Educ ’00) Patti Tereskerz (Col ’78, Grad ’84, Grad ’94, Law ’92) Eugene Terk (Col ’95) Christopher Termini (Com ’01, Law ’06) Paul Terpak (Col ’77, Law ’80) Paul Terpak (Col ’77, Law ’80 CM) James Terpening (Col ’87) Jonathan Terry (Col ’06, Law ’11) Laura Terry (Col ’06) Laura Terry (Col ’06) Paul Tershel (Col ’76 CM) John Teschner (Col ’03) Vernon Tesh (Col ’76) Mandla Thabo Sukati Qhobosheane (Col ’93) Rene Theriault (Col ’99 CM) Emily Thiede (Col ’04) Christina Thigpen (Col ’00 CM) Jillian Thomadsen (Com ’99) Bryan Thomas (Col ’10) Craig N. Thomas (Col ’82 CM) Derek Thomas (Com ’00 CM) Harrell Thomas (Col ’50) Harry Thomas (Col ’76 CM) Kate Thomas (Col ’02 CM) Larry Thomas (Engr ’85 CM) Wendy Thomas (Col ’92) William Thomas (Col ’88 CM) Donald Thomason (Col ’80 CM) Melissa Thomason (Engr ’06 CM) Meagan Thomasson (Engr ’06) Benjamin Thompson (Arch ’02, Arch ’07) Brandon Thompson (Col ’20) Catherine Thompson (Law ’18) David Thompson (Engr ’51 CM) David Thompson (Com ’01) David Thompson (Com ’01 CM) Genevieve Thompson (Col ’98 CM) John Thompson (Col ’81) Jonathan Thompson (Col ’04, Educ ’05) Summer Thompson (Col ’03, Educ ’03, Educ ’08) Traci Thompson (Col ’99) William Thompson (Com ’72 CM) Linda Fisher Thornton (Col ’83 CM) Maggie Thornton (Col ’08 CM) Stafford Thornton (Engr ’59, Engr ’62 CM) Valerie Thornton (Col ’87) Stephen Thorson (Res ’83) Courtney Thorsson (Col ’00) Jim Thunder (Grad ’74) David Thurlow (Col ’80 CM) Rob Thurmond (Col ’87 CM) Bonnie Thurston (Grad ’75, Grad ’79 CM) Richard Thurston (Grad ’73, Grad ’79) William Thuston (Col ’71 CM) Gretchen Tibbits (Col ’89 CM) Chris Tickle (Col ’84 CM) Lynne Tickle (Col ’84 CM) Jill Tietjen (Engr ’76 CM) J. Tighe (Col ’87 CM) J. Hagood Tighe (Col ’87 CM) Kemi Tignor (Com ’98) Rosalie Tilghman (Arch ’96 CM) Allison Tiller (Col ’00, Law ’04 CM) Brooke Tiller (Com ’87 CM) Lou Tiller (Col ’85 CM) J. Tinkham (Law ’87) Randy Tinsley (Law ’87) Jennifer Tippit (Com ’97 CM) Jessica Tischler (Col ’06) Harrison Tisdale (Col ’16 CM) Benjamin Tisdell (Com ’97 CM) Stephen Tisinger (Col ’74) Adam Titrington (Arch ’06) Anne Tjaden (Col ’95) Catherine Tobin (Col ’08 CM) Kevin Todd (Col ’11) Michael Todd (Grad ’07 CM) Christine Toes (Col ’99 CM) Garvis Toler (Engr ’94 CM) Cecilia Tomko (Educ ’92, Col ’92 CM) Curtis Tomlin (Col ’70) Ian Toner (Arch ’99 CM) Jacqueline Toner (Grad ’82) Jacqueline Toner (Grad ’80, Grad ’82) Jeffrey Toney (Col ’81 CM) Kerri Topping (Col ’79) Robert Topping (Col ’74 CM) Andrew Topps (Col ’93 CM) Cynthia Torg (Col ’89, Law ’92 CM) Guillaume Torquat (Col ’04) Gary Torrell (Law ’83) Kathryn Torzewski (Engr ’07)